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Topic Title: Defunding Planned Parenthood?
Topic Summary: where abortion is already heavily restricted or banned
Created On: 05/10/2024 07:06 AM
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 05/15/2024 10:22 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

Don't be a mom in a Red state.

Moms have no need for an abortion.

This is about Planned Parenthood and care for the mother to be. That's the problem with the modern Republican, they never see that their actions will have consequences.

I was right.
 05/15/2024 10:52 AM
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And they never CARE that their

actions have consequences, either.

Because it doesn't affect them.

Until it does.


 05/15/2024 11:09 AM
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well it effected me and my family,, and it will effect her family maybe forever. i never gave thething much thought until it happened to us. i just thought abortion isnt christian,,, more complicated than that brother belive me.

i wont vote republican again until they drop this crazy nonsense. its not right and its sure not christian. government should not be getting between women families and their doctors. it is a personal desicion. i know that firsthand now and will never go back if they keep supporting it.

Trump is a different story:: got a lot more reasons to not vote for that crook/ wake up guys time to take your medicine admit yer mistake and get real
 05/15/2024 11:40 AM
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I remember when the ACA (I mean "Obamacare" - lets give proper credit) was in the works, the right's main talking point in opposition was "how dare Washington politicians and bureaucrats have any say in my bodily autonomy and health care decisions." Of course - those same republican hypocrite, victim, cult followers, are the first to sign up for "Obamacare," which is a actually a good deal for middle or lower income. You can't even take most republicans seriously at this point - look who they follow. As for the continued refusal to hold Hamas and Iran's proxies accountable for what's happening in Gaza and the Middle East - that defies logic, or is a choice to bury your head in the sand.
 05/16/2024 03:32 AM
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Israel's colonization of land that isn't theirs has nothing to do with this? This is all on Palestine?

I was right.
 05/16/2024 05:51 AM
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They didn't cover this in school - Nakba

"Hey, where's Cricket?" - Kristi Noem's daughter.
 05/17/2024 12:56 PM
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Israel's establishment isn't even relevant, before getting passed the separate matter of how Hamas and Iran's proxies have been attacking Israeli civilians for decades. Cole and Rusty T - I'm assuming you'll be the first to vacate your properties and advocate that other non-native American persons vacate their properties throughout FL and much of the Southeast, allowing the ancestor of any native American displaced from FL and southeast to recoup those lands. Unlike most of us living in FL and the southeast, residing in areas areas where native americans were brutally forced out of, the ancestors of jews (and palestinians) do have a historical basis in making a claim to what is now Israel. Also unlike much of the United States, Israel's existence arose out of widespread worldwide consensus and brokered agreements. At least be honest and walk your talk.
 05/17/2024 01:24 PM
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attacking Israeli civilians for decades.

How long have they been colonizing?

I hope you don't actually believe this has nothing to do with the entire conflict?

And a quick question, why do you think Israel has the right to any of it in the first place? It was taken by war in 1967, so I get that, but in the big picture, why do you think Israel has historic rights to the land? Hell, the border with Syria isn't even established.

I was right.
FORUMS : National Enquirer (FORMERLY NSR) : Defunding Planned Parenthood?

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