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Topic Title: County to rent Lori Wilson Park
Topic Summary: Up to 100 days a year, 3 years in advance to Westin Complex
Created On: 10/07/2024 10:53 AM
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 10/07/2024 10:53 AM
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Joined Forum: 03/12/2007

I posted the following (and there is a thread there with a bit more) in NPNR. I should have also included it here in Surfing. Since the original post, the BC Commission has cancelled their meeting for tomorrow due to Milton, but it will surely be back. We need to fight this tooth and nail. Harrass not just CCB's commissioner (Tom Goodson) with emails and phonecalls, but all of them. He could easily be outvoted 4-1 to give it away. This needs to be stopped --

Haven't seen anything on any forums, but the BC Commission has an item on its agenda for this Tues to enter into an agreement to let the new Westin complex reserve Lori Wilson Park for its exclusive use up to 100 days/year and up to 3 years in advance. I don't live in CCB, but as a county taxpayer, I am flat OUTRAGED. Here is one of the applicable paragraphs. The entire agreement can be read at the following link -


Per the agreement ("DAD" is the new Westin Resort) -

DAD 1300 shall be permitted to rent the south area of the Park for a
maximum of one hundred (100) days per calendar year. Rental of the Park shall
not exceed eleven (11) days per month between November 1st through April 30th
and shall not exceed two (2) weekends, defined for this section as, Saturday and
Sunday, or a portion thereof, in any month.
3.3 In the event DAD 1300 wishes to rent the entire Park, north and south, the
number of rental days would be inclusive in the 100-day maximum annual rental.
Rental of the entire Park shall not exceed twelve (12) days in any one calendar
3.4 DAD 1300 may reserve the exclusive use of the Park, or portions of the
Park up to three (3) years in advance, on a rolling basis. Any reservations by third
parties prior to the execution of this Agreement and any events that are historically
reserved on the specific dates/weekends as set forth below shall have priority over
any future DAD 1300 events.
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