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Topic Title: Costa Rica
Topic Summary: More dangerous than ever
Created On: 12/16/2023 11:14 AM
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 02/04/2024 02:47 PM
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I have had some brilliant waves there. Suck rock.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 02/04/2024 03:14 PM
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RE: " That ship has sailed. The ranchos and sodas have been replaced with boutiques and yogo studios. " That ship has not only sailed ---it is already over the God damn Horizon ! Same reason , why I quit going down to El Salvador . I think everyone needs to be grateful for those good old days of yore and the uncrowded window of opportunity we all were very fortunate to have had . Elvis has indeed left the building !
 02/04/2024 03:22 PM
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I still know spots that are empty, but I think I'm going to sell my property by Negra. Post covid has seen a lot of activity near the beach and it shows. last couple of years there has been some brown tide in the water at Avellanas.
 02/04/2024 06:47 PM
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Most of Costa is different. Fuggin' Matapalo looks like Jaco did back last century.
 02/04/2024 06:52 PM
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Central Floridave

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I camped on Matapolo in 1992. Hardly anyone there then.
 02/06/2024 03:26 PM
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I used to go to the Mal Pais surf camp way back when. Back then you felt like an African explorer when driving there, having to ford streams and such. The facilities there were primitive. You slept in huts with no walls. Dark as hell at night and no lights in your hut or anyplace. When you went to bed you had to feel around your bed first in case a dog had jumped up. They often did. Crabs would scuttle around at night. Taking a piss at night was an adventure as you were trying to avoid stepping on the crabs, find the outhouse in the dark, find your way back, and finding the right bed. The howler monkeys served as your alarm clock for dawn patrol. It had good and plentiful food and beer though. Once you were there, you were pretty much alone in the water. Once I was surfing by myself and saw a guy walking down the beach with a board. I waved him to come out so I'd have company. Turned out he was from Cocoa Beach and we became good friends. The last time I went there though, I saw surfers lined up as far as the eye could see. And that was that. Glad I experienced it when I did. Great memories of that place and time.

I :heart; Q
 02/06/2024 10:08 PM
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Anyone been to the Caribbean side lately? What's that like? I hung out in Limon, visited SalsaB, surfed Cahuita, and drove a few miles of that coast about 30 years ago.

I imagine big changes there too, just can't imagine how much better and/or worse.
 02/06/2024 10:17 PM
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Originally posted by: SlimyBritches


I think that left curve with the power pole at 2:24 is about the first place you can look south and see the Hermosa lineup from the side.

I about shat a brick there in 1991 -- might still be there!

Didn't a guy named Alman (Miguel's nephew?) have a house tucked into the trees near that end?
 02/07/2024 07:32 PM
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Altman. Miguel died withing this decade. Before he died, he and his buds did a tour of Europe. Now Roni Rata es El Grande Jefe.
FORUMS : Surfing : Costa Rica

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