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Topic Title: Undies for wetsuit or possibly board shorts.
Topic Summary: Or swimmable for swimming pools
Created On: 02/09/2024 12:15 PM
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 02/09/2024 12:15 PM
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Posts: 16184
Joined Forum: 08/17/2007

    It can be useful to wear something under a wetsuit or sometimes even boardshort. Specialized compression-type shorts are available from Waterman (expensive at $50 but they have sales), Victory USA (made in US, including the fabric, based in Huntington Beach,$35). Hurley, Volcom, Billabong exited this niche.
Something kind of new: Tyr has offered a "workout jammer" 17.5" outseam, 6.5" inseam, definitely compression fit. A water-friendly compression short. Must not have sold well. Various colors for $30. They also have a quick dry compression short on clearance, $19. Wear the TYR 2 sizes larger than your typical board short size. Will fit invisibly under a 17" board short

Edited: 02/21/2024 at 03:09 PM by ww
 02/10/2024 09:02 PM
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First couple epoxy boards (early/mid-90's) I had in the thicker-rail days irritated the heck out of my inner thighs. A cheap pair of Walmart bicycling shorts underneath my baggies solved that problem. New board solved the rest.
 02/10/2024 09:28 PM
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I loved the wetsuit shorts back in the day. No drag, no ballooning and no forgetting the wax in the pocket to soon be melted in the dryer. Perhaps they should make a comeback.

I was right.

Edited: 02/10/2024 at 09:28 PM by Cole
 02/10/2024 11:23 PM
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    Wetsuit shorts, of sorts, are still available, of course without pockets or key holders. Matuse has a model, so does Hubboards, the Hubbard Brothers bodyboard brand.
    Driftline sells "wetsuit lined boardshorts". 0.5 mm. Design includes little anti-balloon slits below the waistline, back side.

Edited: 02/21/2024 at 02:56 PM by ww
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