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Topic Title: 6 Solutions To Battery Mineral Challenges
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Created On: 01/12/2023 09:56 AM
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 01/12/2023 09:56 AM
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Posts: 37257
Joined Forum: 03/10/2005

A flood of recent articles, whether spontaneous or coordinated, seeks to discredit renewable energy, electric vehicles, and other elements of the climate-saving energy transition. Critiques range from grid reliability to land-use, from economy to equity. Among the most widespread and conflictual claims is that it's immensely destructive if not impossible to find enough minerals to make all the batteries that a global fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) will need. These mineral concerns are indeed not trivial, but are often exaggerated. I'll outline here how they can become manageable if we include solutions often overlooked.

Amory Lovins

"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 01/12/2023 10:21 AM
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Just put new gold caps on the Pyramids, re-charge them, and we should be back to normal
 01/12/2023 11:16 AM
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Posts: 37257
Joined Forum: 03/10/2005

we don't know
how to recharge them
without also
waking the dead

"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 01/12/2023 12:40 PM
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I wondered if the agendas affected the latest popularity polls.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

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