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Topic Title: Heros
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Created On: 01/22/2023 05:31 PM
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 01/22/2023 05:31 PM
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 01/22/2023 05:36 PM
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Fripp on Guitar.
 01/23/2023 06:52 AM
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What is that ?guitar? that shown up later 4.20+

There are NO white people at all in the Bible... take all the time you need with that...
Please stop feeding the trolls - they will go away if you do...
 01/23/2023 09:14 AM
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Originally posted by: surfsail

What is that ?guitar? that shown up later 4.20+

The Chapman Stick is an electric musical instrument devised by Emmett Chapman in the early 1970s. A member of the guitar family, the Chapman Stick usually has ten or twelve individually tuned strings and is used to play bass lines, melody lines, chords, or textures. Designed as a fully polyphonic chordal instrument, it can also cover several of these musical parts simultaneously.[1]

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 01/23/2023 09:23 AM
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Love Crimson. Long live the King!

Bronze era KC featuring stunning guitar interplay between Fripp and Belew. Bruford on "batterie" and Levin working miracles on the aforementioned Chapman Stick.

Dig it.

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 01/23/2023 03:51 PM
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Slimy : Fuck yeah , " Heroes " is One of my all time favorite Bowie songs ( Co written with Brian Eno , by the way ! )
 01/23/2023 07:44 PM
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Yeah Joe. The Bowie one is the one on my hit parade. This is different ish. Speaking of Eno.

 01/24/2023 06:11 PM
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I love Robert Fripp and his wife Toyah. What a fun and cool attitude from both.

Sunday lunch with Toyah and Robert is always fun!!
(No, really. If you like Fripp go look it up on youtube now if you haven't seen their weekly Sunday Lunches before, slightly bawdy but always cute and fun! )

Factoids about Fripp; he is classically trained and uses his own New Standard Tuning on his guitars, and he favors Fernandes LesPaul Copies with a sustainer in them for endless sustain on his notes. Of course he has other guitars but he seems to play a Fernandes a lot.

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV

Edited: 01/25/2023 at 03:33 AM by Bamboo
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