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Topic Title: China Abandons the Paris Climate Agreements; America Should Be so Lucky
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 07/28/2023 05:24 AM
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Fish Killer

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China Abandons the Paris Climate Agreements; America Should Be so Lucky
By Ward Clark | 6:45 PM on July 27, 2023

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been doing some reshuffling lately, of both personnel and priorities. Now, in a move that should come as a surprise to no one, China has abandoned the Paris climate agreements.

It was a bad week for anyone who thought China would cooperate on emissions reduction. President Xi Jinping reiterated that his country would set its own path on the issue and not be influenced by outside factors, according to the Washington Post and Bloomberg. This contradicts Xi's 2015 Paris Agreement pledges to reduce its carbon emissions at the latest after 2030.

Xi's remarks came while climate envoy and former secretary of state John Kerry was visiting Beijing to reopen a dialogue. This was shortly after Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived, and just before former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, the architect of opening China to the West 50 years ago, came for a visit.

I almost never say this, but this time, the Chinese are right. And it puts the Western nations, which still adhere to the Paris Agreement, in an awkward spot. Why? Because, if it's carbon emissions you're worried about, there can be no reduction without China (and India) on board. Here's what Xi had to say:

"Based on China's energy and resource endowments, we will advance initiatives to reach peak carbon emissions in a well-planned and phased way, in line with the principle of getting the new before discarding the old," he announced in an address to the Communist Party Congress, as reported by Time.

Xi's remarks should resound in the halls of the Environmental Protection Agency, which is planning to impose billions of dollars of costs on Americans to reduce U.S. emissions. China has repeatedly stated that it has no intention of going along with the Western push to net-zero.

China is, far and away, the largest producer of CO2 emissions in the world. Nothing the United States, the nations of Europe, or anyone else can do will make any significant reduction in carbon emissions without China on board. That's not to argue whether we need to worry about carbon emissions or not. I don't think we do; I find the whole contention a bit silly. But this is a stated goal of the Biden Administration and all of the signers of the Paris Agreement, and China has just kicked them all in the teeth.

China is, however, doing something that the American government in Washington - at least, since 2021 - doesn't seem interested in doing, and that is taking actions that will result in a better standard of living for the Chinese people.

A modern technological society needs plentiful, reliable, inexpensive energy. We cannot have a modern technological society without that. And "renewables" are increasingly being found unreliable at best. China understands that. Too many in Washington don't. We can have plentiful, reliable and inexpensive energy with fossil fuels and - importantly - nuclear power.

Meanwhile, here in the supposedly-free United States, the EPA is floating a proposed regulation requiring 60% of new vehicle sales to be fully-electric by 2030. That's seven years from now. Electrical vehicles (EVs) are not emissions-free, no matter how many times the proponents of EVs brag about that. The electricity they use has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is probably a coal or natural-gas fired power plant. Our green policies are helping, though; they are, like the CCP, helping China.

Donald Trump, to his credit, saw the damage the Paris Agreements could do to the American economy. He pulled us out of that agreement, and advocated policies that made the United States energy independent for the first time since 1957. Whether the next GOP President is Trump or someone else, that's a pattern they should examine and follow. So is the abandonment of the economy-killing Paris Agreement. If President Xi Jinping can see that this is the right move for China, then any half-way conscious American President should be able to see that it's the right move for the United States.

In China, President Xi did something right. Let's hope we can get a President in 2024 who will do the same.

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 07/28/2023 05:25 AM
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Fish Killer

Posts: 71439
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The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been doing some reshuffling lately, of both personnel and priorities. Now, in a move that should come as a surprise to no one, China has abandoned the Paris climate agreements.

It was a bad week for anyone who thought China would cooperate on emissions reduction. President Xi Jinping reiterated that his country would set its own path on the issue and not be influenced by outside factors, according to the Washington Post and Bloomberg. This contradicts Xi's 2015 Paris Agreement pledges to reduce its carbon emissions at the latest after 2030.

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 07/28/2023 06:23 AM
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The only good president we've had the last 12 years did get us out. The current senile idiot got us back in.

I :heart; Q
 07/28/2023 07:51 AM
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Fish Killer

Posts: 71439
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The Paris Climate Agreement was and is a total joke.

It was created to validate carbon taxing and Global Warming.

This is all a HOAX and China proves that by their non-participation.

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 07/28/2023 07:57 AM
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The whole thing is a hoax. The world has been warming for over a 100,000 years. No dispute there. But this whole thing is not about climate in the least. We're not going to change what's going to happen, nor should we. Basically, we are seeing a huge political pay-off to favored people and a gov't grab for more power. Unfortunately, due largely to the prog tendency to fall for whatver hoax may come their way and their sheep-like compliance, many people have fallen for this.

I :heart; Q
 07/28/2023 05:27 PM
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A wimp......
and a blimp
nobody's been tuffer on chiner
"How's your dry aged, vintage chumpf steak there, self appointed preznit for life Xi, ol' buddy?"
(sounds of puking and cursing in chinese)

It's a democratic hoax
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