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Topic Title: How you will be manipulated
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Created On: 06/28/2024 04:12 AM
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 06/28/2024 04:12 AM
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Those with eyes wide open could see Bidens mental decline. The sheep wouldn't hear it

Waking up this morning, the puppet masters are now starting to bring his mental ability into question, because you know.....all of a sudden they realize this. Last night was a ruse, to allow the puppet masters to switch out their puppet, "out of concern and respect"
Here comes Newsome . And the Coles of the world will welcome the switch, parroting Bidens mental state as the cause.

Why now you ask? Because with them, it's never about admitting/finding the truth....it's about the egotistical insecure drive to always be right.

Just watch them NOW start admitting his mental decline as the reason they now support a Biden replacement.

"Control narrative and control policy" "Easier to fool a man then convince him he's being fooled"

Those 2 isms are what allow weak minded sheep to bring on the destruction of their own country.


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 06/28/2024 05:04 AM
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I love that it's all about Biden being old with a cold and nothing about how well Trump did. lol

If Trump was a wonder guy as you all claim, why all the concern that Biden will be replaced? Are you finally beginning to see Trump for what he truly is?

I was right.
 06/28/2024 05:06 AM
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How in the fuck can anyone defend this:

>>>> Pete Buttigieg or Gavin Newsom would've made mincemeat out of Trump, even Kamala Harris. But the Democrats have chosen to renominate a man who, when he stared down at his notes - presumably written in enormous font - looked as if he had briefly died. He stuttered. He rambled. Here's one full Biden quote on healthcare: "Making sure we are able to make every single solitary person, er, eligible for what I have been able to do with, uh, Covid - excuse me, with dealing with everything we've been able to do with, er... Look, if... we've finally beat Medicare."

Dora Hates You
 06/28/2024 05:08 AM
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Trump's people said he had the best environment right before he walked on stage. Defend that. lol

He is regressing to a little kid.

Ding, Biden aside, did Trump look like a glorious candidate to you?

I was right.

Edited: 06/28/2024 at 05:10 AM by Cole
 06/28/2024 05:36 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole
Trump's people said he had the best environment right before he walked on stage. Defend that. lol
He is regressing to a little kid.
Ding, Biden aside, did Trump look like a glorious candidate to you?

Yes, Biden looked like he was lost.

Yes, he stuttered (that happens to someone with a stutter)

But what policies or plans did Trump talk about?

What questions did Trump answer directly?

How many times did Trump deflect away from the question, and revert back to a different subject?

How many lies (alternate facts) did Trump spout?


 06/28/2024 05:51 AM
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Originally posted by: Pagerow
Originally posted by: Cole Trump's people said he had the best environment right before he walked on stage. Defend that. lol He is regressing to a little kid. Ding, Biden aside, did Trump look like a glorious candidate to you?
Yes, Biden looked like he was lost. Yes, he stuttered (that happens to someone with a stutter) But what policies or plans did Trump talk about? What questions did Trump answer directly? How many times did Trump deflect away from the question, and revert back to a different subject? How many lies (alternate facts) did Trump spout?
Funny how you guys can't see that he wasn't dodging questions, he was using his alloted time to respond to Bidens comments. Like you didn't notice they seemed to let Biden have a chance to respond to Trumps accusations, but rarely let Trump respond to Biden.

The Truth is, the country was better off in terms of national security, inflation in check, a respected border, and NO NEW CONFLICTS! (You probably didn't catch Bidens slip that the dollars being sent are in the form of American missles. IE...the war machine you liberals were once against are brainwashed to now support...but i digress). The Truth is under Biden, we have exponentially rising costs, new wads on the horizon, and a wide open border.

Adults focus on things like that because it matters. Children focus on hairstyles, color of skin, and tweets. Personally, all you habe to do is compare and contrast the two administratios and how they benefit/or hurt you or the country.

That's the truth, which would force you to admit you were wrong/manipulated....but you will NEVER do that....will you Pagey?


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

Edited: 06/28/2024 at 05:53 AM by OBX
 06/28/2024 07:03 AM
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I am second to no one in my low regard of prog intelligence or, to be more precise, utter lack thereof. I have to admit though that I thought last night's unmitigated debacle would shake them out of their delusions/ignorance. Once again, progs have proven dumber than even I thought they were. Granted, all of the progs in politics have had their blinders removed and see the need to ditch Dementia Joe. I guess we at NSR are saddled with a retarded variety of prog.

I :heart; Q
 06/28/2024 07:05 AM
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Anyone foolish enough to support an obvious con man doesn't have any room to question anyone's intelligence.

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 06/28/2024 07:14 AM
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Since we are inventing conspiracies on nothing but our own conjecture in here..

one could invent that perhaps there's a plan here- eat up all the Pug's energy on Biden.. then walk out a sparkling Gavin before the right could attempt to spin him with their propaganda on Facebook/X and put him directly up for a vote as the clearly sane person in the room.

last night proved two things:

Biden is old, but brings sanity and calm

Trump is the same angry crazy liar he's always been- and will bring chaos and a shitshow

bring out some young good looking capable & sane guy as the last second hero, and watch what happens

the way I see it, Dems have options, Pugs are stuck with a nightmare


Pro Puppy-Killer Party 2024
 06/28/2024 07:20 AM
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"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain
OBX, you sure hit the nail on the head with that quote. Stunning that some of these people didn't get religion after than disaster. I guess that is good for us. Dementia Joe now has no chance.

I :heart; Q
 06/28/2024 07:22 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck Anyone foolish enough to support an obvious con man doesn't have any room to question anyone's intelligence.
Hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but you were hoaxed about that too. So ... I have plenty of room.

I :heart; Q
 06/28/2024 07:24 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck Anyone foolish enough to support an obvious con man doesn't have any room to question anyone's intelligence.
Again....all you have to do is compare how things were under Trump's administration vs Bidens. It's really that simple and ask yourself which one benefited you, your family, and your buisness the most. Not only are things worse under Biden...but disastrous..


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 06/28/2024 07:41 AM
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When Trump got in office things were good.
Under and after Trump it went to shit.
He's an incompetent moron and we're all paying the price.
His tax, tariff, trade, and deregulation policies are idiotic at best.
I'll take mumble and stumble or even a shit sandwich over Trump.
 06/28/2024 07:57 AM
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. (Dbl post)


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

Edited: 06/28/2024 at 07:59 AM by OBX
 06/28/2024 07:57 AM
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Fat orange messiah chump lied continuously, about everything. Of course the magats claim "victory".
That's what cult sheep do.
We will have neither emperors nor kings.

It's a democratic hoax
 06/28/2024 08:02 AM
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Originally posted by: nukeh2o Fat orange messiah chump lied continuously, about everything. Of course the magats claim "victory". That's what cult sheep do. We will have neither emperors nor kings. mmmmBAAHHHAAAHHHH.....
That seems to be all you guys got "he lied". I'll give you Trump exaggerates and likes to oversell....but go ahead and tell the class specifically what it was he was flat out lying about.

The challenge is....in your own words.


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

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