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Topic Title: Anti-abortion laws are killing women
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Created On: 09/20/2024 07:35 AM
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 09/20/2024 07:35 AM
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A Georgia woman died after doctors delayed abortion care. Her death blamed on 'Trump abortion bans'

The death of a 28-year-old pregnant woman from an infection has been blamed on "Trump abortion bans" by Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

Amber Nicole Thurman, from Georgia, died two years ago after delays in her care as doctors grappled with the state's restrictive abortion laws.

Her death was later ruled "preventable" by a state committee, which included 10 doctors, investigative outlet ProPublica reported on Monday.

Georgia's abortion ban killed a young mother. The Christian right now blames the victim

Republicans and Christian right activists don't want to take responsibility for the loss of this healthy young mother of a 6-year-old boy. Instead, they're casting blame on everyone else: the doctors in the Georgia hospital, abortion providers in North Carolina, and, though they will deny doing so, they're blaming Thurman herself. Thurman chose abortion. They're blaming her choice for her death.

In her rant on Twitter about it, anti-choice activist Lila Rose repeatedly emphasized how she believes Thurman did this to herself, declaring she "died from sepsis after taking legally obtained abortion pills." Acknowledging that Thurman "sought out an abortion" and traveled to North Carolina for the pills, Rose insists, "Abortion killed Amber Thurman. Abortion killed Amber's twin babies." She also blames Thurman for waiting "days before seeking medical care." While Rose will pretend otherwise, the victim-blaming is not subtle.


 09/20/2024 07:43 AM
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A lie. An abortion is what killed her. All progs are liars.

I :heart; Q
 09/20/2024 08:43 AM
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"...Thurman needed a procedure called dilation and curettage, which would allow doctors to remove the rest of the tissue, ProPublica reports. But Georgia had recently passed a law making the procedure a felony with few exceptions.

Doctors delayed Thurman's care and finally operated 20 hours after she arrived at the hospital, according to ProPublica. She died on the operating table."

Judge for yourself who the liars are.

The American patriot professes love of his country while simultaneously hating 90% of its people.
 09/20/2024 09:19 AM
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Also happening in Florida thanks to Rhonda

Florida Doctors Describe Dystopic Horrors as DeSantis Tries to Tank Abortion Measure

Abortion was restricted in Florida - first after 15 weeks, and later after six weeks gestation - following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision ending the federal right to abortion in 2022.

"A lot of times, people are truly just flabbergasted," Daniels tells Rolling Stone. "This is the first they're hearing about it."

Since the law went into effect four and a half months ago, her office has experienced an influx not just of patients who are unaware of the new law, but also of referrals from local OB-GYNs and hospitals afraid of offering treatment themselves.

A new Report, released on Tuesday by the nonprofit Physicians for Human Rights, confirms what Daniels is seeing for herself: that many Floridians don't realize that the state's six-week ban is effectively a two-week ban, a vanishingly short window further winnowed by Florida's required 24-hour waiting period; that many doctors are delaying or refusing to provide necessary care out of fear of losing their medical licenses or going to jail; and that those doctors inclined to continue to providing necessary care have found navigating Florida's exceptions is a Kafkaesque nightmare.


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