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Topic Title: Twitter's Largest Advertiser Returns to Platform, Has Now 'Fully Resumed' Spending
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Created On: 12/04/2022 03:18 PM
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 12/04/2022 03:18 PM
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Fish Killer

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Twitter's Largest Advertiser Returns to Platform, Has Now 'Fully Resumed' Spending
By Jack Davis
December 4, 2022 at 2:38pm

Twitter owner Elon Musk said Saturday that Apple is resuming its ad spending on his social media platform.

In a Twitter Spaces conversation, Musk said Apple had "fully resumed" its advertising, according to Bloomberg.

Musk also noted that Apple is Twitter's largest advertiser.

Bloomberg said those were the only references Musk made to Apple during the two-hour event, in which Musk chatted with about 90,000 people.

A second major advertiser may also be ready to resume its advertising on Twitter.

Zoe Schiffer, editor at Platform, tweeted that Amazon will be returning to Twitter full throttle.

"Amazon is also planning to resume advertising on Twitter at about $100m a year pending some security tweaks to the company's ads platform, per a source familiar with the situation," she tweeted.

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"More information on this per a source familiar: Amazon continued advertising on Twitter throughout the recent turmoil, although some campaigns were paused. The company is looking to increase [its] ad spend to $100m a year, as stated in my prior tweet," she wrote.

During the first quarter of the year, Apple was Twitter's top advertiser, according to The Washington Post.

The report said Apple spent about $48 million that quarter, which made up about 4 percent of Twitter's revenue.

Last week, Musk wrote that Apple was threatening to not allow Twitter to be included in its App Store, according to the website MacRumors.

After a meeting Wednesday with Apple CEO Tim Cook, Musk said the issue was a misunderstanding.

However, The New York Times noted that Apple temporarily put its ads on hiatus after the Nov. 19 Colorado Springs shooting, adding that advertisers do this often to avoid having their products appear near news of a tragedy.

On Saturday, Musk thanked those advertisers who have remained on the platform since Musk took over.

Recognizing that the platform needs to rebuild its advertiser base, Twitter has embarked on a deal to woo advertisers, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The Journal reported that advertisers who agree to increase their ads by at least $500,000 will have that matched by Twitter dollar for dollar. Advertisers who commit to lower amounts of advertising would get that matched, but at a lower level.

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 02/08/2023 11:14 PM
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Fish Killer

Posts: 71439
Joined Forum: 10/09/2005

"Twitter owner Elon Musk said Saturday that Apple is resuming its ad spending on his social media platform.

In a Twitter Spaces conversation, Musk said Apple had "fully resumed" its advertising, according to Bloomberg.

Musk also noted that Apple is Twitter's largest advertiser."

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
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