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Topic Title: Time to clean up the SCOTUS
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Created On: 01/27/2023 10:02 AM
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 01/27/2023 10:02 AM
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Posts: 33793
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Supreme Court did not disclose financial relationship with expert brought in to review leak probe

"The justices have long cloaked themselves in secrecy to the point of declining to respond to questions about potential conflicts of interest, or to reveal information about some court rules and ethics codes; or to release timely information about the justices' health and public appearances.

The court's decision to keep secret the prior arrangements with Chertoff, whose professional path has intersected over the years with Chief Justice John Roberts and other court conservatives, as it used him for a seal of approval, adds to controversy over the leak investigation itself."

No wonder they didn't find the leaker, they didn't look at the justices themselves. It's well known that Alito leaked the Holly Lobby verdict to his conservative pals back in 2014. It's highly likely he did the same this time.

The court is compromised and should be fully investigated; and Alito and Thomas should most likely be impeached.

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 01/27/2023 12:03 PM
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Expand it, term limits and limits on amount of appointments per president.


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 01/27/2023 01:13 PM
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laws on the books ladies you can send those lib tears but nobodys going anywhere. read em and weep
 01/27/2023 03:36 PM
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anyway.. Clarence needs to go..


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 01/27/2023 04:56 PM
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I think there might be a decent case for impeaching Thomas regarding the coup attempt.

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there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 01/28/2023 12:28 AM
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He is certainly compromised


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 01/28/2023 05:05 AM
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impeach all you want aint going anywhere. sorry girls
 01/28/2023 05:38 AM
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Originally posted by: fishkller Expand it, term limits and limits on amount of appointments per president.
aint none of that gonna happen Jethro
 01/28/2023 09:28 AM
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They aren't required to disclose anything, and it is fine for them to get gifts.

It's a shit system. The most powerful people in the land are open to all sorts of temptation, and by the looks of this, use it to their advantage. Fuck that.

I agree; term limits, ban gifts and open sourced financial disclosures.

I was right.
 01/28/2023 03:41 PM
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Posts: 21905
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Yep the SC system needs a huge TuneUp, but good luck getting anything constructive done with the QOP Party of Duh


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
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