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Topic Title: Bird Brain sells out
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Created On: 05/24/2024 05:52 AM
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 05/24/2024 05:52 AM
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Speaking of surrender monkeys.. we knew she would cave and take it up the poop chute, but there was that tiny glimmer that she might develop a spine.

Oh well, once a Pro Puppy-Killer, always a Pro Puppy-Killer...

Haley will vote for the Trump 'chaos' that she once decried

Not long ago, the former South Carolina governor was arguing that Donald Trump was too old, too chaotic, too "unhinged" and too prone to temper tantrums to be president again and said he couldn't beat President Joe Biden.

"I feel no need to kiss the ring," Haley said in February before suspending her primary campaign. "My political future is of no concern."


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 05/24/2024 at 06:21 AM by fishkller
 05/24/2024 06:12 AM
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I feel no need to kiss the ring.

Um, yes you do.

I bet Trump is baiting her with the VP nod. How many times can one person be steaks'd?

I was right.
 05/24/2024 06:20 AM
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She's kissing the 'shroom and discovering it tastes like Steak.


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 05/24/2024 06:27 AM
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They're lined up to kiss the old puckered orange balloon knot.

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 05/24/2024 07:21 AM
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I know this one chick, man.. she'll do anything!


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 05/24/2024 at 07:22 AM by fishkller
 05/24/2024 11:57 AM
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She's run out of time at the same time she's run out of spine
She looks like Romney with Trump that time that they dined
She'd rather be a part of the problem then simply left behind
her solution was to sell sell her soul, but she's just bought some time
get ready to be grilled about her "stance", roll the hypocrisy tapes and rewind

Goodbye Nimrata, not see you later, this is it for you
Maybe Tim Scott can break down the next ugly truths
You ain't white, you ain't MAGA and they will hate you anyway
Did you really think your sell out would keep you in play? Seriously?


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 05/24/2024 04:42 PM
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It would be funny if he passes her up after she got on her knees, swallowed and everything..


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 05/24/2024 07:08 PM
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She would have done better joining up with Liz Cheney and trying to rebuild the republican party.

She ain't a contestant on trumps VP reality show, not even sure there would be an ambassadorship in it for her. As long as it is the cult of Trump she is toast. Now if he gets taken off the board that changes things and is probably what she is hoping for.

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
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