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Topic Title: Fruit Jelly making
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Created On: 02/01/2021 10:39 AM
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 02/01/2021 10:39 AM
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Central Floridave

Posts: 52425
Joined Forum: 07/22/2003

I've decided I'm going to start looking into making fruit jelly. Currently I have a ton of kumquat. Post this recipe so I can reference it in a couple weeks.

approximately 8 cups (1.8 kg) sugar
6 cups water
3 cups of chopped, deseeded kumquats (reserve the seeds)


Place the seeds in a small, food safe bag or some cheesecloth. Tie the top.

Put the chopped kumquats and water in a heavy pot. Let the seeds hang into the kumquats and water and place the lid on to keep the top of the bag from submerging. The seeds contain pectin which helps the jam to set.

Allow to rest for a minimum of 8 hours.

Remove the bag and squeeze as much as you can from it (this is the natural pectin which helps the jam set). With a large bowl nearby, measure the amount of jam mixture that you have in the pot with cups. This number of cups is a better measurement of how much sugar you should use. Example, if have 9 cups of mixture, use 9 cups of sugar. My mother always uses a little less, but if you like it sweeter use the same amount.

Move the pot to a cooktop over medium heat. Slowly bring to a boil, stir and reduce heat to simmer for about 20 minute or until the rind has softened.

Next, add the sugar; stir and bring to a rolling boil (do not simmer) for approximately 30 to 45 minutes. The less sugar, you use, the longer it will need to boil to reach the setting point (105C or 220F).

The jam is ready when it congeals when dripped onto a plate from the freezer, if you do not have a candy thermometer.

Remove the pot from the heat and using an immersion blender, carefully blend the jam.
Rinse the jam jars and lids with boiling water then immediately ladle the jam into the jars. It's helpful to have a widemouth funnel, but not necessary. Clean the rim with a damp cloth and put the lid on tightly, as soon as possible. Finally, set aside and allow to cool completely and refrigerate, or process using the water bath method for approximately 10 minutes.
 02/05/2021 07:20 AM
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Central Floridave

Posts: 52425
Joined Forum: 07/22/2003

So, I started my first batch. Currently at the boiling for 30 to 45 minutes. Learning some stuff.

My first jelly is a Kumquat JalapeƱo Cinnamon jelly.
 02/05/2021 08:04 AM
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SUre a lot better than peeling and seeding those things! Should taste amazing, go Dave!
 02/08/2021 06:23 AM
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Central Floridave

Posts: 52425
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The jelly turned out really great! I learned some things on this process. My next batch will be made in the summer with mango.
 02/10/2021 06:34 AM
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hey got a couple dozen mason jars would be willing to trade for some jelly
 03/29/2021 04:02 PM
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Central Floridave

Posts: 52425
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I've only got one jar left. Just picked 7 pounds of Jaboticaba. Have 8 cups of kumquat. Jaboticaba jelly next. Putting this recipe here for jaboticaba marmalade from a Columbian friend. Just for reference:

You have to put 6 cups of Jabuticaba fruit and 6 cups of water in a pot. Boiled them together to the highest for 15 minutes and then let it cool.
After that blend it and strained the fruit.
When the fruit is strainded boile back the juice in middle heat and put white sugar or brown to your own choice.
After boiling for a few hours add stevia to your own choice
You have to leave it to the point when is boiling and start using a wood spoon to mix it.
When you see it takes the texture of a jelly or mermelade you have to let it cool and then put it in a glass and fridge
 02/02/2023 05:13 PM
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Central Floridave

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making kumquat jelly again so bumping this up so can find the recipe easy
 02/05/2023 05:42 AM
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Central Floridave

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My kumquat jelly came out really good this time. I added to the recipe with some of my comments.
 02/05/2023 05:43 AM
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Central Floridave

Posts: 52425
Joined Forum: 07/22/2003

Homemade Merritt Island Kumquat Jelly. Just made a batch!

approximately 8 cups cane sugar
6 cups water
3 cups of chopped, deseeded kumquats


Place the seeds in a small, food safe bag or some cheesecloth. Tie the top. (I leave seeds in and just spoon out later)

Put the chopped kumquats and water in a heavy pot. Let the seeds hang into the kumquats and water and place the lid on to keep the top of the bag from submerging. The seeds contain pectin which helps the jam to set.

Allow to rest for a minimum of 8 hours. I let sit in 'fridge over night.

Remove the bag and squeeze as much as you can from it (this is the natural pectin which helps the jam set). With a large bowl nearby, measure the amount of jam mixture that you have in the pot with cups. This number of cups is a better measurement of how much sugar you should use. Example, if have 9 cups of mixture, use 9 cups of sugar. You can use a little less, but if you like it sweeter use the same amount.

Move the pot to a cooktop over medium heat. Slowly bring to a boil, stir and reduce heat to simmer for about 20 minute or until the rind has softened.

Next, add the sugar; stir and bring to a rolling boil (do not simmer) for approximately 30 to 45 minutes. The less sugar, you use, the longer it will need to boil to reach the setting point (105C or 220F). Note: you really have to stay on top of boil and never ever let it boil over the top. I stand on top and stir and constantly adjust temp. After about 20 minutes the wort settles down and easier to boil.

The jam is ready when it congeals when dripped onto a plate from the freezer. Remember to put a plate in freezer so it can freeze. Drip boil on plate and should gel within a couple seconds. Good to taste at this point.

Remove the pot from the heat carefully blend the jam.

Rinse the jam jars and lids with boiling water then immediately ladle the jam into the jars. It's helpful to have a widemouth funnel, but not necessary. Clean the rim with a damp cloth and put the lid on tightly, as soon as possible. Finally, set aside and allow to cool completely and refrigerate, or process using the water bath method for approximately 10 minutes. That help's sterilization of glass jar. Keep refrigerated. Ready to eat once turns into jelly and cools.

Edited: 02/05/2023 at 05:44 AM by Central Floridave
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