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Topic Title: Red latania
Topic Summary: Blooming
Created On: 08/04/2022 05:23 PM
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 08/04/2022 05:23 PM
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Posts: 1601
Joined Forum: 07/23/2003

My red latan I got from Coconuts around 10 (11?, 12?) years ago has bloomed. Purchased as a 1 gallon mini, it has done real well in a protected spot in my yard. Does anyone know if these need male and female flowers from separate trees? TIA, DT.
 08/05/2022 08:54 AM
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Latanias are dioecious. Individual plants are male or female (Genera Palmarum, 2nd ed., Kew) My big Latan, the Door Prize Palm, still doesn't have a trunk, but its slow growth may be due to partial shade. It celebrated its 10th anniversary in the ground in April.

Edited: 08/05/2022 at 09:02 AM by ww
 08/05/2022 09:39 AM
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Central Floridave

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Nice! I got a blue latan off of coconuts the same time period and has gotten large as well. A mini-Bismarckia! I see a ton of latania and Bismarckia in South Florida. They have become ubiquitous. Especially used as interstate landscaping.
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