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Topic Title: Columbine survivor blows media's plan to exploit naive students - here's what happens when they grow up
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 02/20/2018 10:34 AM
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Fish Killer

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Columbine survivor blows media's plan to exploit naive students - here's what happens when they grow up
February 20, 2018
Scott Morefield

The wake of last week's tragic shooting at Parkland, Florida's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School found many survivors speaking out about gun violence in America and how they feel it can be fixed.

They've gone through a horrific ordeal. Many lost friends and loved ones. All certainly deserve the right to say anything that's on their hearts and to be listened to, even if what some of them say is being driven by Democratic talking points.

But far from the media's portrayal of them as "experts," these students, although victims, are still kids.

Kids without the benefit of years of wisdom and experience, the kind of wisdom and experience that led Patrick Neville, a former Columbine High School student who attended the school during the 1999 shootings and is now the Colorado House Minority Leader, to actually promote legislation that would make it easier to carry concealed in Colorado school zones.

This school's not likely to be next target ... good guys are all packing heat and it works

"As a former Columbine student who was a sophomore during the shootings on April 20, 1999, I will do everything in my power to prevent Colorado families from enduring the hardships my classmates and I faced that day," said Neville. "Time and time again we point to the one common theme with mass shootings, they occur in gun-free zones."

Currently, the law allows concealed carry permit holders to bring their weapons onto school grounds, but only inside their vehicles. Believing the current law essentially "creates a so-called gun free zone in every K-12 public school," Neville has introduced his bill every year since being elected in 2014.

"This act would allow every law-abiding citizen who holds a concealed carry permit, issued from their chief law-enforcement officer, the right to carry concealed in order to defend themselves and most importantly our children from the worst-case scenarios," said Neville in a statement.

His position is driven by the belief based on tragic experience that the Columbine fatality rate wouldn't have been as high if faculty had been armed.

Sadly, although a hearing for the bill is set to happen today, the Colorado House of Representatives is currently controlled by Democrats, so its passage is unlikely at this point.

But none of that has deterred Neville from speaking out, just as the Parkland students have done

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
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