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Created On: 10/13/2012 07:13 PM
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 10/13/2012 07:13 PM
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Stop drinking the Kool-Aid!


 10/14/2012 07:45 AM
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Cliches are common, and trolls use them. And since they are so common, we don't pay attention to them. But in your writing, do your best to avoid them because they are nothing but tired, worn phrases which can kill your creativity as well as your reader's interest. Yes, they are crutches. Therefore, 0/5.

Water dissolving...and water removing
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 10/14/2012 08:43 AM
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And the saddest part is that it wasn't even Kool-Aid.  It was a generic brand called Flavor-Aid.  A bunch of nut jobs drank it to die.  They were already dead before that; buried in extreme religion, unable to accept God without the confirmation and validation of other like-minded people who can't keep their religion to themselves in peace and let others do the same. 


Our founding fathers wanted a complete separation of church and state because both will be ruined from the influence of the other.  





 10/14/2012 08:44 AM
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^^ are you SURE you're not mike? cuz y'all sing the same tune over n over , too.

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 10/14/2012 08:51 AM
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Mike?  That again?



 10/14/2012 09:17 AM
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Bob, you're more of a dunderhead than village idiot.

 10/14/2012 11:39 AM
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gilbo-mike : yes , that again. no one gives a flying fick if it was flavor aid or kool aid butt you, and mike. he loved/loves making a big deal out of that distinction, and claimed to know what the founding fathers wanted, too...like i said - no one cares.... sirfir: whoa, easy on the language there. dunderhead? ouch.

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 10/14/2012 02:06 PM
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I know both things because I was the one who sold them the grape Flavor-Aid (but not the rat poison),  and both TJ and Washington told me in person that we shouldn't let church ladies take over the country. 


I'm that old, brother, and no whippersnapper is going to tell me otherwise. 


Now, why don't YOU take a lap, sonny, and then grab me a beer before I tan your hide and lock you in the icehouse ya little wiseacre.  



 10/14/2012 02:34 PM
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you are only fooling yourself again, mike. 0/5

Water dissolving...and water removing
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 10/14/2012 02:43 PM
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i thought this thread was gonna be about Dusty Rhodes. it shoulda been about Dusty Rhodes. it would have been better.
 10/14/2012 04:32 PM
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Originally posted by: Beavis i thought this thread was gonna be about Dusty Rhodes. it shoulda been about Dusty Rhodes. it would have been better.

This whole forum could use a bionic elbow to the forehead!


 10/14/2012 05:04 PM
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Fish Killer

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The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 10/14/2012 08:49 PM
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That's Wall Street in the wagon.
Time to pay your corporate welfare tab, fools.

 10/15/2012 04:45 AM
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Originally posted by: 3rdworldlover That's Wall Street in the wagon. Time to pay your corporate welfare tab, fools.

Hey, it's your sweet, prideful, smug, son of a bitch that keeps dumping money into Wall Street to, not prop up Wall Street, prop himself up.  Now it's $40 billion a month, who do you suppose is going to have to pull that wagon further now? And, who's fault has it been for dumping the money into Wall Street the whole time?  I'll tell you, president scumbama.  

 10/15/2012 06:10 AM
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More Kool Aid--


Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 10/15/2012 09:22 AM
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sir fur of tahoe, me lady


"The Republican Party of Eisenhower and Rockefeller has vanished, and in its place has come a hard-right, anti-government, socially conservative, economically extreme-liberal party that somehow manages to convey a combination of callousness and nastiness almost as a matter of pride."

 10/15/2012 04:09 PM
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Originally posted by: FlapJackman sir fur of tahoe, me lady

WTH !?!?!?!

 10/15/2012 05:12 PM
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Originally posted by: RegularJoe
Originally posted by: Beavis i thought this thread was gonna be about Dusty Rhodes. it shoulda been about Dusty Rhodes. it would have been better.

This whole forum could use a bionic elbow to the forehead!


i believe that would be... Steve Austin. 0/5 , not so regular joe.

Water dissolving...and water removing
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 10/15/2012 06:16 PM
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I believe you would be wrong, bob3000:

But that should surprise no one here.

Not even Chuck Norris questions Gordon Solie!

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