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Topic Title: Florida Wildlife Federation conservation series tomorrow nite
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Created On: 03/17/2010 04:26 PM
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 03/17/2010 04:26 PM
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There is a really good meeting being hosted by the Florida Wildlife Federation tomorrow (Thurs. 3/18) nite at the Lagoon House in Palm Bay. FWF cares about the Brevard Reef, the fishery, and all that is good about our coast. Come out to learn more... Please Join Us Thursday, March 18th Have you ever wondered what Climate Change has to do with Hunting or Fishing in Florida? Please join the Florida Wildlife Federation for a conversation while we sort through the facts with those of us who share a passion for Florida's fish and wildlife. This is the third conversation in a series that FWF has hosted around the state. Hunters and anglers AND SURFERS have a great appreciation for the health of Florida's environment. Understanding the potential impacts of climate change on Florida's wildlife and habitats AND COAST is crucial to the traditions and livelihoods we hold near and dear. Thursday, March 18th 6:30PM - 8:30PM Marine Resources Council Lagoon House 3275 Dixie Hwy NE Palm Bay, FL 32905 321-725-7775 Reception - 6:30PM Roundtable Presentations - 7:00PM Open Discussion - 7:45PM For more information, call 813-205-9810 Please RSVP to: annvdasovich@verizon.net

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