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Topic Title: Surf Photo Service
Topic Summary: Would you use it? Would it be a benefit to you?
Created On: 08/12/2019 12:42 PM
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 08/12/2019 12:42 PM
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When we surf, especially big swells, we never know where photogs are, we have to hunt to see if anyone caught anything we did. The question is this, if there were a service that tracked those photogs locations so you could determine who might have caught your crazy turns, sick stalls and wicked barrels, would you use it? My team and I are building an app that might do this for the surf world (and other sports) but this forum has always been good at feedback and wanted to know, would it be used, useful, etc... I appreciate any feedback you have! Wish for waves!!! Thanks


Peddle over, paddle out, paddle in, peddle home!

 08/12/2019 01:28 PM
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ummmm...why not just hire him/her to meet up and shoot some photos????

lots O times i have NO IDEA when or where i may be going....
especially before the lighting is good ,
the tide is right,
the parking lot is full,
have i had breakfast,
have i had lunch,
am i thinking about breakfast or lunch,
does this person owe me money,
do i owe this person money,

you get the picture...

BUT if you hire someone, the shots will be yours for ever and ever... The End.


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 08/12/2019 01:56 PM
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If it is that important yes hire someone. But usually if there is a photog on the beach you just ask them if they got any shots and they give you their contact info. Surfing is so hit or miss. Your idea would probably work better for other sport events.

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Edited: 08/12/2019 at 01:56 PM by daner
 08/13/2019 05:39 AM
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I bet that'd work in SoCal where there's way more photographers and surfers, and also waves worth shooting much more often than Florida.
 08/14/2019 01:13 PM
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Most people don't have the dough to pony up for full sessions with photogs. This would be a service to just help connect surfers and photographers. I get the mantra "hire someone" but this isn't always a choice.


Peddle over, paddle out, paddle in, peddle home!

 08/21/2019 01:04 PM
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Originally posted by: Burry ummmm...why not just hire him/her to meet up and shoot some photos????
Plus the whole tracking issue...
 08/21/2019 01:06 PM
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Originally posted by: Riboflavin13 Most people don't have the dough to pony up for full sessions with photogs. This would be a service to just help connect surfers and photographers. I get the mantra "hire someone" but this isn't always a choice.
Photogs gotta eat too... L series lenses and Aluminum bodies ain't cheap...you can shoot all the free pics to 'build a portfolio' but it wont pay the bills.. free app by the way? free service?

Edited: 08/21/2019 at 01:07 PM by bus
 08/22/2019 01:33 PM
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I like the idea of a free app but it should be the other way around. All you shredders post your location when you are about to paddle out, and then the surf photogs don't have to check eighteen breaks to find someone actually shredding their waves. All a photographer needs to do is type a search for their favorite high performance wave thrasher and viola -- he / she's now surfing at Second Light! Then the surfers who are most highly tracked can get free photos through the app (sponsored by advertising) and pay the photographer a nominal fee for their service. Like that! =)
 08/23/2019 06:41 AM
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Sounds like a good and potentially very profitable service. Photographers who dont want to give away "free" photos could still be a part of the app and just post watermarked photos that they often do on their websites etc, and then include links to buy. I could see this being used in california and popular surf destinations in central america/ bali where there are many tourists surfing and many different photographers lining the beach
 08/23/2019 07:53 AM
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Yes when I first saw this thread I was going to say photogs just need to post up at the better spots and then give out their cards to people coming in. You email them they sell the shots to you. I got some decent shots in Nicaragua just now that way.

HOWEVER, I stopped because there might be people that gripe because in doing so more people might go to those spots in order to get some photos so there is that to consider.

 08/23/2019 01:31 PM
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It could probably be set up both ways and you could make yourself public or not so as not to give up the secret spot of the day
 08/23/2019 01:44 PM
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Originally posted by: Jonesey1 It could probably be set up both ways and you could make yourself public or not so as not to give up the secret spot of the day
a definite unintended consequence. plus then the surfers start hating on photogs because they posted up at their secret spot and blasted location to the whole effing world. i was being sarcastic with my post above, btw..... A business card and email address always worked for me. I even made waterproof cards.

Edited: 08/23/2019 at 01:46 PM by SRPHOTO
 08/23/2019 01:59 PM
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Not a fan of this idea, once you post up and the pictures are released and then shared on forums FB etc...the "spot" crowds will double in size the next day...Photogs have a way to make it look better than it actually is..I would use it as a tool to know where not to go because of the crowds it will draw...If you want surf photos get a soloshot.. otherwise ..just don't...There was a daily surf report way back in the early days from Sebastian Inlet, A daily AM report w/ pics...It only increased the size of the crowd after a good day...The reporter was asked to quit by the locals and him (also being a local) stopped..crowds reduced back to normal.

Edited: 08/23/2019 at 02:11 PM by SurferMic
 08/24/2019 04:55 AM
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Plan B

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Originally posted by: SurferMic Not a fan of this idea, once you post up and the pictures are released and then shared on forums FB etc...the "spot" crowds will double in size the next day...Photogs have a way to make it look better than it actually is..I would use it as a tool to know where not to go because of the crowds it will draw...If you want surf photos get a soloshot.. otherwise ..just don't...There was a daily surf report way back in the early days from Sebastian Inlet, A daily AM report w/ pics...It only increased the size of the crowd after a good day...The reporter was asked to quit by the locals and him (also being a local) stopped..crowds reduced back to normal.
I gotta agree with this....
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