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Topic Title: Old Guy Pop-Up Blues
Topic Summary: Seeking a Remedy
Created On: 12/21/2022 10:16 AM
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 12/21/2022 10:16 AM
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Help! I'm 76 years old and have surfed my entire life. I'm in pretty good shape for an old guy, but my right knee now hurts to the point that it slows down my pop-up, and I find myself frequently dropping in too late and riding the white water instead of the wave. Now I fully realize that diminished physicality and reaction times come with older age, but I think I still have enough juice to surf decently if I can move my knee a bit faster and with less pain. I've read that a well-made neoprene knee brace/sleeve (like from the Don Joy company) might stabilize my knee problem. Anybody out there have the same-type of knee issues and if so, what has worked for you to keep you going without looking like a complete kook?! Your input is appreciated. Thanks!
 12/21/2022 11:17 AM
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Plan B

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Im considerably younger than you, but unfortunately have had plenty of knee issues. Is it just hurting when you pop-up? (could be a chunk of meniscus in there getting in the way ( I had this).... my knee issues come and go, but some braces have helped. The best was a hinged McDavid bionic looking one (but over the counter/plastic). prob around $90 if I remember correctly, alot of the other ones didnt do much. good luck
 12/21/2022 12:05 PM
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77! Sounds like you are doing great relatively..

Only 66 but a few years ago started having pop up problems.

Try practicing squatting and waddling around.. Also literally weeding helps..

Not that it's solved all probs but def has helped..

Reaction times and coordination are def getting slower - and eyes are not getting better either..

Old age sucks..

There are NO white people at all in the Bible... take all the time you need with that...
Please stop feeding the trolls - they will go away if you do...

 12/21/2022 02:01 PM
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Might want to have some imaging done to determine the nature of the problem. If it's just straight old age creaky joints or stiff muscles that's one thing, but if it's local inflammation or an injury it may change how you attempt to treat it. A lot of folks think being imaged means surgery, but that's not the case these days. A good image can help inform what specific PT or treatment you might need.

Edit: I hope I'm still surfing at your age, Im 51 now. A couple years ago I had some issues that I thought might end my surfing career, but I overcame them with some simple non-intrusive steps that started with an x-ray. Don't let this stop you!

"If I say it's safe to surf this beach, captain, then it's safe to surf this beach!"

Edited: 12/21/2022 at 02:05 PM by SurfCaster
 12/21/2022 02:37 PM
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Just want to say one thing. Respect! 76 and you sound as stoked as a grom. You are a role model for anyone getting up in years. May you stay forever young and keep on charging. Cheers!
 12/21/2022 04:23 PM
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Plan B

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Yeah one thing I meant to add that others have mentioned..... at 76 and still surfing, you're doing great. At the rate I'm going that's a dream (better start working on my photo skills)
 12/21/2022 07:46 PM
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Ya, bad knee too. Have not tried brace. I did have knee imaged then some arthroscopic work about 15 years back. Worked out well for running, surfing, etc. Probably another round coming up. Keep fixing stuff, keep surfing. Judging from you, I've got a few good years left.

add a signature since I'm here in profile anyway
 12/22/2022 04:32 AM
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Same issue here. 55 with an ACL repair and an artificial hip. My hesitation comes from the shock of knee pain as I pop up. It's not much, but my brain tries to override my intended action, which makes me pause. The pause makes for another late takeoff. Some days are better than others, and all waves aren't created equal. If it's steep and peaky, I'm in. If it's slow and rolling, I struggle.

There is a nice thread on here about hips and them being a problem. I am going to try some of the suggestions to see it it help. Anything positive is better than nothing.

I was right.
 12/22/2022 07:13 AM
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Central Floridave

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Gawd, I hope I'm still surfing at 76, much less being able to get out of bed or even alive. Turning 58 next month so thanks for the inspiration that it is possible.

I've been biking a lot and that has helped improve my knee strength. 3 years ago i had bad knees and have recovered with exercise. I use to run a ton, 5 miles a day, played ultimate and just abused my knees up to the age of 49. I'm lucky now that my knees are back 100 percent. I do not run anymore, just biking. Mountain biking and just got an ebike. The ebike is super easy on the knees and can go further. Also, have a stationary bike I use if can't bike.

I've been meaning to start a daily routine of pushups and popping up on my feet on dry land. This thread just inspired me to start. And, I reserve the right to look like a complete kook...as I am a complete kook!
 12/22/2022 11:05 AM
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4 knee repairs untold issues w/ them since 40, ACL deficient rt can't tolerate wearing it's fitted brace as the restriction causes it to ache like YeEooow!!!, like Cole says: steep-Go!, burger-No~, Resolution: --I drink-- :^) You might wanna do drugs :^)) oh ya too, 69. Seriously though, the age deal means no gett'in around the ridiculous 'pain' Big Brother-- 76 is now #1 on MY temp. bucket list!

ola ~

 12/26/2022 10:17 AM
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Might sound silly but I walk backwards on an incline treadmill and have essentially eliminated any prior knee pain. Strengthens the same muscles but in a different way, along with additional muscle groups. Do 1-3 sets of ~10 burpees most days will help tremendously in your pop-up. Get a bigger board.
 12/26/2022 10:24 AM
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Yep it's that Old Guy Pooped-Out Blues for me.

Dora Hates You
 12/26/2022 11:41 AM
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why not get a powered board seems like the next wave
 12/26/2022 01:39 PM
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Go SUP. don't listen to the trash talkers. when you are already standing you bypass the whole pop-up issue. I can make steep drops with ease and a well-designed SUP gives you all the performance you will ever need. The only con to SUP is surfing in choppy conditions, which can be tiring.
 12/26/2022 06:33 PM
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My older brother had issues with pop ups, as have we all with surviving.
He lives in monterey which has generally lousy surf......he's gone full sup these days. And doing well with it
Im 68, and about to have hip replacement. I'm gonna do my darndest to do lots of burpees and swim laps and ride my nice surfboards again.
But...the alternatives aint all that bad


 12/27/2022 05:50 AM
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Originally posted by: spindrift

My older brother had issues with pop ups, as have we all with surviving.

He lives in monterey which has generally lousy surf......he's gone full sup these days. And doing well with it

Im 68, and about to have hip replacement. I'm gonna do my darndest to do lots of burpees and swim laps and ride my nice surfboards again.

But...the alternatives aint all that bad

Anterior, do not get the posterior.

I know one of the best surgeons in the country if you want the info. And trust me, he is worth it.

I was right.

Edited: 12/27/2022 at 05:52 AM by Cole
 12/27/2022 11:26 AM
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+1 to Surfsensei's Go SUP. New SUP's are soooo much better than the original giant logs. Smaller, Lighter, faster, more maneuverable, attract hot surfer girls of a certain age. Surfing becomes fun again when it doesn't hurt. Find Rick Weeks (SUP The Creek) on youtube for septuagenarian inspiration.
 12/27/2022 02:42 PM
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Agree fully with anterior approach. Im booked friday13th (of course!) with travis van dyke at orlando ortho but im open to suggestions. I'm on my 4th surgeon, professional is used loosely in this field I'm afraid. Nightmare year from hell waiting, 22 cant end soon enough for me


 12/28/2022 05:05 PM
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Cole, what's name of surgeon you mentioned?


 12/29/2022 09:54 AM
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My buddy is a similar age. Started having more trouble popping up a few years ago. Switched to a 9'6" soft top. They are easier on the body and it made all the difference for him and he's still surfing.

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