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Topic Title: Car-size laser deflects lightning atop a mountain in Switzerland
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Created On: 01/22/2023 11:04 PM
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 01/22/2023 11:04 PM
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Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 01/23/2023 05:21 AM
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Smart people doing interesting and helpful things.

I wonder if they can direct strikes with smaller versions?

I was right.
 01/23/2023 10:42 AM
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Can they direct strikes and harness the power?


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 01/23/2023 12:44 PM
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For some reason, I kept reading "spiritual lightning rod "

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 01/23/2023 03:58 PM
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I think this was a test to see if they could divert it away from the tower, and for how long.

The lightning would always eventually go to the tower.

But the idea is they could set these up in areas where there is no huge tower, but lower stuff they want to divert away from - then the lightning would be most attracted to the laser and would protect the lower stuff

I would think they are considering using it to harness power as well. You could run alot of EV's off a lightning bolt


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 01/24/2023 02:06 PM
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Originally posted by: WG For some reason, I kept reading "spiritual lightning rod "
refer to your post on "fast cars" . are we not SIRprised rainbow gif goes here

Edited: 01/24/2023 at 02:06 PM by StirfryMcflurry
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