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Topic Title: the latest research on fast cars
Topic Summary: and self perceived size
Created On: 01/23/2023 12:27 PM
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 01/23/2023 12:27 PM
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"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 01/23/2023 08:13 PM
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Car guys get all the hot chicks, right?
and then they go home to their musician and surfer boyfriends........

It's a democratic hoax
 01/24/2023 07:27 AM
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is there some reason why you can't keep y'alls daily dikk size discussion threads over in NSR
 01/24/2023 09:11 AM
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Tim Allen (Tim the Toolman) had the best standup schtick on this. "Bought a Corvette, the wife says 'It's just an extension of your penis!'" "OH I WISH!" "V8!" "400HP!!" "LEATHER UPHOLSTRY!!!" "ARH ARHH ARRRRHHH!"

add a signature since I'm here in profile anyway
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