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Topic Title: How dirty money warps Florida politics
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Created On: 10/13/2024 05:18 AM
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 10/13/2024 05:18 AM
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Joined Forum: 07/28/2003

How dirty money warps Florida politics

So if you are a surfer I wish you the prosperity that allows you more time to pursue the salt water dream, and the true happiness that comes from warm water, clean waves and the companionship of your fellow surfers. If you are an internet troll just spewing bs then f off.
 10/13/2024 12:09 PM
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Payoff and the centralization of state government. The Swamp and Big Government in full force.

I was right.
 10/14/2024 06:18 PM
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Joined Forum: 03/18/2016

".....since 2018, 36.7 million on political spending by pig sugar....."
Remember when dirtsantos ran on improving our water quality?
hmmm....wonder who paid for that disco campaign bus?
Hey, btw guvner auntie- woke:
remember those anti-storm surge and water level improvement plans you quacked about?
"...87% unfulfilled...." TC Palm

It's a democratic hoax
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