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Topic Title: Fuck this shit, , , , , ,
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Created On: 03/19/2024 04:42 AM
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 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - dingpatch - 03/19/2024 04:42 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - ww - 03/19/2024 07:18 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - RustyTruck - 03/19/2024 10:48 AM  
 Fuck this shit,   - JOESTRUMMER - 03/19/2024 08:55 PM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - 3rdworldlover - 03/20/2024 08:11 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - ww - 03/20/2024 11:15 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - Cole - 03/23/2024 06:33 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - Bamboo - 03/23/2024 12:37 PM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - tpapablo - 03/27/2024 12:16 PM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - johnnyboy - 03/27/2024 07:47 PM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - ww - 03/28/2024 03:42 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - SurfCaster - 04/09/2024 06:38 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - johnnyboy - 03/28/2024 06:44 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - nukeh2o - 03/28/2024 09:35 PM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - SurfCaster - 04/09/2024 06:40 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - Cole - 04/09/2024 02:05 PM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - SurfCaster - 04/13/2024 06:56 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - Cole - 04/14/2024 08:25 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - ww - 04/01/2024 07:33 PM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - Cole - 04/03/2024 07:39 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - jdbman - 04/05/2024 09:01 AM  
 Fuck this shit, , , , , ,   - Cole - 04/08/2024 07:15 AM  
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 03/19/2024 04:42 AM
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Dora Hates You
 03/19/2024 07:18 AM
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That's been a NW Florida problem for years. Indian River County is not far behind--the county had a great opportunity to double the size of Tracking Station Beach, but instead it's turning into townhouses that will be fall into the water problems fairly soon.
 03/19/2024 10:48 AM
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Yeah that sucks bad. Rich people can afford to write the rules.

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 03/19/2024 08:55 PM
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Howard: RE: " Fuck this shit " ( x 12
 03/20/2024 08:11 AM
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I've noticed one of the resorts on Singer Island has been putting out cones near the tide line in an apparent attempt to claim some exclusive sand. I make sure to tread right through it every time, and we pick up some trash on the way back. It also happens to be getting quite trashed by their guests, resort towels everywhere, cig butts, cups....
 03/20/2024 11:15 AM
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Arkansas ex-governor Huckabee was a big proponent of keeping commoners away from his beach house.
 03/23/2024 06:33 AM
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Historic high tide lines are well up into the dunes. It's all bullshit.

I was right.
 03/23/2024 12:37 PM
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Never spent time there and didn't know this.
It sucks.
Big time.

Walk on the wet sand and it is not considered trespassing...step on the dry sand and you are illegal.

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV

Edited: 03/23/2024 at 12:46 PM by Bamboo
 03/27/2024 12:16 PM
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Amazing the development of that area in the last 50 years. When I lived in that neck of the woods, there was not much of anything in that area. Empty beaches as far as the eye could see. Probably could have bought beach front for practically nothing. Too bad I had nothing back then.

I :heart; Q
 03/27/2024 07:47 PM
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WW hit the nail on the head. Huckabee had a beach house in the panhandle and hated the noise people had the possibility of making in the space between the dune and high tide line. His good friends and then governor trick scott sailed it through locally without having the locals notice until the no trespassing signs went up.
>>In 2012, Huckabee hired a lawyer and asked a judge to grant him ownership of the land stretching from the dune at the foot of his house down to the mean high-water line - essentially the wet sand and the Gulf of Mexico itself. No one appears to have protested the request, and the judge agreed, giving Huckabee the beach for a mere $400. Nearly two dozen of his neighbors have also quietly annexed the beach while escaping any additional taxes.

The result is a checkerboard of public and private space along the water's edge for miles of Walton beachfront. Huckabee's beach is private, but the one next door isn't - at least not for now. Last summer, Huckabee bought the three-bedroom 1960s bungalow next door for $3 million, through a trust. This March, he filed a lawsuit to extend the house's property line from the base of the house to the mean high-water line, thus expanding his empire and annexing a beach that's been used by the public for generations. If he succeeds, he won't have to pay any additional taxes on the land, either.<<


Huckabee recently sold the house and beach rights for close to ten million.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 03/28/2024 03:42 AM
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    Maybe Huckabee had to resume being a resident of another state? I'm trying to recall which non-Florida politician was in fact a Panhandle beach resident. What applies in the Panhandle should apply in the Peninsula, so I would expect much of the Indian River County coast to go private--except there's so little public access, that there's little need to bother.
    At least we get to parasitize the beach dwellers with respect to property taxes.

Edited: 03/28/2024 at 03:43 AM by ww
 04/09/2024 06:38 AM
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"If I say it's safe to surf this beach, captain, then it's safe to surf this beach!"

Edited: 04/09/2024 at 06:40 AM by SurfCaster
 03/28/2024 06:44 AM
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Palm Beach, the actual island, has almost no access to the public and what little access there is has no parking.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 03/28/2024 09:35 PM
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This is crap.
At one time my beloved florida had a law supposedly ensuring beach access for the taxpayers funding the roads, utilities, and law enforcement provided to the new waves of carpetbagger squm buying up and ruining florida's waterfronts. I'll find the particulars.
Pill mill rick and rondon dudsantos have done all in their power to destroy our priceless aquatic resources as well as limiting our access to them. They and this useless legislature are allowing vast new developments without enforcing the planning and mitigation laws on record. Schools, water, waste management, quality of life for existing tax paying floridians.......nahhhhh
Look no further than dirtsantos using federal money for education to build an unneccesary offramp......for a major developer donor.
Rape, pillage, plunder......and ruin my florida is: a QOP thang folks.
Vote them out, support the initiatives stopping these pigs

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 03/28/2024 at 09:49 PM by nukeh2o
 04/09/2024 06:40 AM
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Originally posted by: nukeh2o

This is crap.

At one time my beloved florida had a law supposedly ensuring beach access for the taxpayers funding the roads, utilities, and law enforcement provided to the new waves of carpetbagger squm buying up and ruining florida's waterfronts. I'll find the particulars.

Pill mill rick and rondon dudsantos have done all in their power to destroy our priceless aquatic resources as well as limiting our access to them. They and this useless legislature are allowing vast new developments without enforcing the planning and mitigation laws on record. Schools, water, waste management, quality of life for existing tax paying floridians.......nahhhhh

Look no further than dirtsantos using federal money for education to build an unneccesary offramp......for a major developer donor.

Rape, pillage, plunder......and ruin my florida is: a QOP thang folks.

Vote them out, support the initiatives stopping these pigs

Brother this has been going on for at least 50 years. The last two GOP governors are only the most recent to have their palms greased. Before that except for Jeb it was a long line of Democrats, and how do you think carpetbaggers vote? Graft and greed are blind to political affiliation, let's not divide up on an issue where we all have common ground (that evidently has to be wet).

"If I say it's safe to surf this beach, captain, then it's safe to surf this beach!"
 04/09/2024 02:05 PM
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I'm not sure about the past, but our current governor sure gave the landowners a hand.


I was right.
 04/13/2024 06:56 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole

I'm not sure about the past, but our current governor sure gave the landowners a hand.


So you're saying this wasn't happening in the 70s 80s and 90s and started in the last 10 years? Or you're pleading ignorance? Or like many of us you're only now coming out of a drug addled haze that spanned that timeframe? In any case I'm pretty sure a 15 minute Google search will fill in the blanks. But I can save you the time and tell you that all those condos haven't been built since 2000

If we're going to make it about the governor's party affiliation then what about Charlie Crist? For that matter, should we not applaud the GOP governors for exacerbating climate change, thereby raising sea levels and giving us more land below the high tide line? Let's not be silly.

Does no good to have folks on both sides vote for their party that conveniently does everything right, slap the corresponding sticker on their bumper, then bury their hands in the sand somewhere on the little remaining moral high ground which oh by the way is now underwater at high tide

"If I say it's safe to surf this beach, captain, then it's safe to surf this beach!"

Edited: 04/13/2024 at 07:06 AM by SurfCaster
 04/14/2024 08:25 AM
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Originally posted by: SurfCaster

Originally posted by: Cole

I'm not sure about the past, but our current governor sure gave the landowners a hand.


So you're saying this wasn't happening in the 70s 80s and 90s and started in the last 10 years? Or you're pleading ignorance? Or like many of us you're only now coming out of a drug addled haze that spanned that timeframe? In any case I'm pretty sure a 15 minute Google search will fill in the blanks. But I can save you the time and tell you that all those condos haven't been built since 2000

If we're going to make it about the governor's party affiliation then what about Charlie Crist? For that matter, should we not applaud the GOP governors for exacerbating climate change, thereby raising sea levels and giving us more land below the high tide line? Let's not be silly.

Does no good to have folks on both sides vote for their party that conveniently does everything right, slap the corresponding sticker on their bumper, then bury their hands in the sand somewhere on the little remaining moral high ground which oh by the way is now underwater at high tide

Am I wrong? Did the DeSantis government make it more difficult for local governments when it comes to keeping beaches open? Yes or no?

As per your 'back then' argument, was this topic an issue back when Walking Lawton was governor? If not, why are we discussing them? They have nothing to do with the subject at hand. You can't fix the past, but you can use lessons from it to prevent problems from happening in the future.

This problem exists in the current and needs to be dealt with as such.

I was right.

Edited: 04/14/2024 at 08:13 PM by Cole
 04/01/2024 07:33 PM
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And at Palm Beah, probably no boogieboards allowed on buses. I've been to Reef Road once, a work visit with a county employee, official car.

Edited: 04/01/2024 at 07:34 PM by ww
 04/03/2024 07:39 AM
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Buy the business at RC's and get the state to give you the beach?

I'm sure Randy Fine can be per$uaded.

I was right.

Edited: 04/03/2024 at 07:40 AM by Cole
 04/05/2024 09:01 AM
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Fuck you, I surf where I want...

So if you are a surfer I wish you the prosperity that allows you more time to pursue the salt water dream, and the true happiness that comes from warm water, clean waves and the companionship of your fellow surfers. If you are an internet troll just spewing bs then f off.
 04/08/2024 07:15 AM
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Originally posted by: jdbman

Fuck you, I surf where I want...

Not if the free state of Florida has anything to say about it.

I was right.
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