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Topic Title: Russia chose Donald Trump
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Created On: 01/01/2019 05:24 PM
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 Russia chose Donald Trump   - WG - 01/01/2019 05:24 PM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - johnnyboy - 01/01/2019 06:05 PM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - fishkller - 01/01/2019 06:16 PM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - Cole - 01/02/2019 05:32 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - HAPDigital - 01/02/2019 05:57 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - Cole - 01/02/2019 06:13 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - tpapablo - 01/02/2019 07:50 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - SlimyBritches - 01/02/2019 09:51 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - Fish Killer - 01/02/2019 10:39 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - tpapablo - 01/02/2019 12:41 PM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - nukeh2o - 01/02/2019 01:25 PM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - WG - 01/04/2019 07:22 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - WG - 01/04/2019 07:22 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - johnnyboy - 01/02/2019 08:01 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - johnnyboy - 01/02/2019 12:34 PM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - johnnyboy - 01/03/2019 08:33 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - 3rdworldlover - 01/03/2019 09:06 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - RustyTruck - 01/03/2019 09:31 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - Cole - 01/03/2019 06:00 PM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - RustyTruck - 01/04/2019 08:09 AM  
 Russia chose Donald Trump   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/04/2019 08:11 AM  
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 01/01/2019 05:24 PM
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"Russia chose Donald Trump as the U.S. presidential candidate who would be most advantageous to Moscow, and used online tactics to win him the presidency, according to a former agent of the Israeli intelligence agency the Mossad."

This article seems to imply that this act of war just started in 2016, and not a decade earlier when the FSB saw the weakness (both his and Americas) and started cultivating the asset.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
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Edited: 01/01/2019 at 05:41 PM by WG
 01/01/2019 06:05 PM
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You Benedict Donald was talking with Russia during the campaign when he specifically told everyone the Russia wanted Hillary more. He said Russia would hate him because he was such a tough negotiator and so strong on defense. This is the same guy that begged the gop to give Russia a pass, hold off on sanctions and met in secret with Putin. Being friends with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing trump said in his repetitive baby speak.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 01/01/2019 06:16 PM
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Trump is such a joke at this point.. its just funny to watch his trumpanzees try to defend him.

 01/02/2019 05:32 AM
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Why has every one of his inner circle had secret meetings with Russian contacts that they either downplayed or tried to hide?

There has to be a reason for this, right?

I was right.
 01/02/2019 05:57 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole

Why has every one of his inner circle had secret meetings with Russian contacts that they either downplayed or tried to hide?

There has to be a reason for this, right?

You forgot lied about. There was lots of lying about this stuff too. "adoptions"
 01/02/2019 06:13 AM
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True with the lies. I mean, was this stuff just random with no end game? If that's the case, why chance it? Little, in any, contact with our allies and a shit load with Russia? That's hardly normal.

I was right.
 01/02/2019 07:50 AM
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If Russia chose Trump, which I doubt, so what? I am relatively sure that most other nations chose Hillary.

I :heart; Q
 01/02/2019 09:51 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

If Russia chose Trump, which I doubt, so what? I am relatively sure that most other nations chose Hillary.

Holy Shite, "councilor", Did you bother reading that steaming pile out loud before posting? I dare you to repeat that in front of military men. My dad was a Col in the US Army. His whole life was spent keeping Russia at bay. There's millions just like him. There's a reason the Orange puppet kept it a secret.
 01/02/2019 10:39 AM
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Fish Killer

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Originally posted by: SlimyBritches

Originally posted by: tpapablo

If Russia chose Trump, which I doubt, so what? I am relatively sure that most other nations chose Hillary.

Holy Shite, "councilor", Did you bother reading that steaming pile out loud before posting? I dare you to repeat that in front of military men. My dad was a Col in the US Army. His whole life was spent keeping Russia at bay. There's millions just like him. There's a reason the Orange puppet kept it a secret.

Keeping Russia at bay...because they are COMMIES!

Just like you.


The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 01/02/2019 12:41 PM
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Originally posted by: SlimyBritches
Originally posted by: tpapablo If Russia chose Trump, which I doubt, so what? I am relatively sure that most other nations chose Hillary.
Holy Shite, "councilor", Did you bother reading that steaming pile out loud before posting? I dare you to repeat that in front of military men. My dad was a Col in the US Army. His whole life was spent keeping Russia at bay. There's millions just like him. There's a reason the Orange puppet kept it a secret.
No, your dad did not spend his life keeping Russia at bay. But even if he had, I fail to see the relevance of that. Again, so what if Russia supported Trump?

I :heart; Q
 01/02/2019 01:25 PM
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Piggy say wheee?!
no surprise: he blows putin!

It's a democratic hoax
 01/04/2019 07:22 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

If Russia chose Trump, which I doubt, so what? I am relatively sure that most other nations chose Hillary.

I agree 100%.
Most other nations want a strong stable sane America.
It's Russia's oligarchy that wants us weakened & divided by a president that they own.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
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ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 01/04/2019 07:22 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

If Russia chose Trump, which I doubt, so what? I am relatively sure that most other nations chose Hillary.

I agree 100%.
Most other nations want a strong stable sane America.
It's Russia's oligarchy that wants us weakened & divided by a president that they own.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 01/02/2019 08:01 AM
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Don't play dumb trap. It's getting too convincing. It's it just that Russia chose trump, it's that they helped get him elected with active efforts aided by traitors within team trump including trump himself. You conveniently forget that embarrassing moment in Helsinki where all of our intelligence clearly showed Russian interference in the bot farms, fake news campaigns, the Wikileaks data dumps and Russian money infused into a campaign of chaos. Trump then met in secret without any of his national security staff or anyone else and spoke to Putin. We had to find out about the promises he made to Putin from itar Tass. It's not even the first time he has done this. He literally believed that everyone in the us intelligence community was lying because Putin told him so. There are very few options for this. Either your president is compromised or he's a complete idiot.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 01/02/2019 12:34 PM
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You and trump on the same page with this Russia commie shite?


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 01/03/2019 08:33 AM
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Let me break this down for you. First premise: Russia is our enemy. Second premise: they are and have been waging a cyber war to sow chaos into all democracies to increase their status and power. Third premise: Benedict Donald furthered this strategy. Conclusion: the Russians chose trump to undermine our democracy.

The question tpap dodged was not whether Russia liked and supported trump. The question is HOW they supported him and what efforts were coordinated with trump's campaign. The question of why goes back to the premise that they are our enemies and seek to undermine our position in the world. The next question after how they supported trump is whether trump is the dumbest person to ever hold office when he sided with Putin over every US intelligence agency or he's a compromised asset of Putin, which would explain why he has made enemies of our allies and refused to hold Russia accountable for its chaos campaign, murders and hacking.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 01/03/2019 09:06 AM
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I too would bet the farm on a game of Risk with Trump.
 01/03/2019 09:31 AM
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I don't hear trump saying much about the sketchy jar head trumpist that Putin had arrested to swap for the NRA bootie girl.

The American patriot professes love of his country while simultaneously hating 90% of its people.
 01/03/2019 06:00 PM
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I was right.
 01/04/2019 08:09 AM
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A month before Donald Trump clinched the Republican nomination, one of his closest allies in Congress - House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy - made a politically explosive assertion in a private conversation on Capitol Hill with his fellow GOP leaders: that Trump could be the beneficiary of payments from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"There's two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump," McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, according to a recording of the June 15, 2016, exchange, which was listened to and verified by The Washington Post. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is a Californian Republican known in Congress as a fervent defender of Putin and Russia.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) immediately interjected, stopping the conversation from further exploring McCarthy's assertion, and swore the Republicans present to secrecy...

Some of the lawmakers laughed at McCarthy's comment. Then McCarthy quickly added: "Swear to God."

Ryan instructed his Republican lieutenants to keep the conversation private, saying: "No leaks. .?.?. This is how we know we're a real family here."

The American patriot professes love of his country while simultaneously hating 90% of its people.

Edited: 01/04/2019 at 08:11 AM by RustyTruck
 01/04/2019 08:11 AM
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so, what I'm hearing is...effKay is a Russian bot? It's all starting to make sense now!! FACTS!
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