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Topic Title: Project 2025
Topic Summary: Yeah, it is a real thing. Post what you got, serious or humorous
Created On: 07/08/2024 11:38 AM
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 07/09/2024 03:00 PM
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Originally posted by: Sniper

Trump has adopted the RNC platform for 2024. Looks pretty tame. But you guys can keep freaking out over the Heritage Foundation if you want to.

Trump is a fucking liar.

I was right.
 07/09/2024 09:43 PM
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A fucking fascist liar
 07/10/2024 04:57 AM
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Trump had the best everything.
Trump has never lost anything.

Neither of which is true.

I was right.
 07/10/2024 05:53 AM
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Project Gilead

add a signature since I'm here in profile anyway
 07/10/2024 06:08 AM
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Kevin Roberts, president of a Conservative group the Heritage Foundation, seemed to issue a veiled threat to the American left during an appearance on far-right entertainment network Real America's Voice on Tuesday.

"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless - if the left allows it to be," Roberts said.

This assertion that the country is in the midst of "the second American Revolution" sparked concern among critics, who pointed to his statement as damning proof that Project 2025 is part of a wide-sweeping effort to convert American democracy into a fascist state.

What Roberts means by "bloodless" is unclear, but critics immediately interpreted it as a threat that any resistance to the authoritarian far-right power grab laid out by Project 2025 would be met with violence.

> A threat to "fall in line..." or it WON'T be a bloodless coup.

> This is literally the far right telling us that they are going to commit violent acts if anyone tries to stop them.

>I guess it's violence then.

Video embedded with comments:
Conservative Behind Trump Agenda Issues Threat to Liberals


 07/10/2024 06:24 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo
Originally posted by: dingpatch Project 2025 PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION PROJECT End no fault divorce Complete ban on abortions without exceptions pg 449-503 Ban contraceptives DJ 449 Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 19pg 691 Higher taxes for the working class Elimination of unions and worker protections D9 581 Raise the retirement cut social security Dg 691 Cut Medicare Dg 449 End the Affordable Care Act Pg 449 Raise prescription drug prices Eliminate the Department of Education DJ 319 Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools ?319 Teach Christian religious beleifs in public schools pg 319 End free and discounted school lunch programs End civil rights & DEl protections in government Bg 545-581 Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education Dg 319 Ban books and curriculum about slavery Ending climate protections pg 417 Increase Arctic drilling pg 363 Deregulate big business and the oil industry pg 363 Promote and expedite capital punishment didn't lind a reference End marriage equality 545-581 Defund the FBI and Homeland Security Dg Condemn single mothers while promoting only traditional families Use the military to break up domestic protests pg 133 Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in "Camps" Pg 133 End birth right citizenship D9 133 Ban Muslims from entering the country inferred from speeches Eliminates federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA and more 363-417 Continue to pack the Supreme Court, and lower courts with right-wing judges
I would say that those items that don't reference a page # are hoaxes. Several of those with page references look to be as well. There is nothing about setting up camps on page 133. So, now we'll have to put up with Cole claiming that Trump is for raising prescription drug prices.
Called another one. Progs fall for another hoax. I have said it many times before - if you want to now the truth about something, see what progs are saying and the exact opposite is the truth.

I :heart; Q
 07/10/2024 09:45 AM
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Hey they liar is posting more lies!

I was right.
 07/10/2024 09:56 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole Hey they liar is posting more lies!
Heh, heh. We should contact Guinness and nominate Cole for the most hoaxed individual in human history. It has to be over 100 hoaxes so far.

I :heart; Q
 07/10/2024 09:57 AM
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Education - Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Depart-ment of Education should be eliminated.

Science - Conduct a whole-of-government assessment and consolidation of
science. Before the start of a new Administration, there should be a review of
all the federal science agencies.12 This should include a review of the ill-advised
attempt to expand the National Science Foundation's mission from supporting
university research to supporting an all-encompassing technology transition.
Specific to DOE, there should be a review to measure, prioritize, and consolidate
DOE programs based on a range of beneficial factors, including degree of
relationship to national security; furtherance of energy security (cyber but also
international aspects); and importance to scientific discovery/advancemen

Agriculture - Too much wacky shit to post. ">http://static.project2025.org/...PTER-10.pdf

DOD - Implement nuclear modernization and expansion.

I was right.

Edited: 07/10/2024 at 09:59 AM by Cole
 07/10/2024 09:59 AM
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Here it is if you want to see how off the rocker the MAGA world really is.


I was right.
 07/10/2024 10:08 AM
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Been saying that the Dept. of Ed. should be eliminated since 1980. Since it has been in existence, we have been getting a bunch of Coles coming out of our inferior schools. That's reason enough.

I :heart; Q
 07/10/2024 11:46 AM
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Overtime pay? Nah, that is a disincentive to the Job Creators (peace be upon them). 40 hours a week? Let's go with average over two or four weeks. Boss can try and kill you one week, but force you to take comp time a couple weeks later so it's all good, no extra pay.

Page 592

EDIT: I can't wait to see the look on the faces of the working stiff magas when they find out Daddy's friends are going to take away their over time. Except for cops and firemen of course, because they protect capital and suppress the angry peasants.

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"

Edited: 07/10/2024 at 11:50 AM by RustyTruck
 07/10/2024 12:05 PM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck Overtime pay? Nah, that is a disincentive to the Job Creators (peace be upon them). 40 hours a week? Let's go with average over two or four weeks. Boss can try and kill you one week, but force you to take comp time a couple weeks later so it's all good, no extra pay. Page 592 EDIT: I can't wait to see the look on the faces of the working stiff magas when they find out Daddy's friends are going to take away their over time. Except for cops and firemen of course, because they protect capital and suppress the angry peasants.
Hoax. But why not? I work about 70 hrs a week and get paid nothing. I'm fine with that. If they don't like their work situation, they can always quit.

I :heart; Q
 07/10/2024 12:13 PM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo
I work about 70 hrs a week and get paid nothing.


“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 07/10/2024 12:24 PM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck

Originally posted by: tpapablo

I work about 70 hrs a week and get paid nothing.


Apparently Tfap thinks the long hours he spends posting nonsense on NSR is his "work"


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 07/10/2024 12:31 PM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck
Originally posted by: tpapablo I work about 70 hrs a week and get paid nothing.
Don't need the money, so I pay it to my employees instead. But, yeah, I got a raw deal.

I :heart; Q
 07/10/2024 12:36 PM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

Originally posted by: RustyTruck

Overtime pay? Nah, that is a disincentive to the Job Creators (peace be upon them). 40 hours a week? Let's go with average over two or four weeks. Boss can try and kill you one week, but force you to take comp time a couple weeks later so it's all good, no extra pay.

Page 592

EDIT: I can't wait to see the look on the faces of the working stiff magas when they find out Daddy's friends are going to take away their over time. Except for cops and firemen of course, because they protect capital and suppress the angry peasants.

Hoax. But why not? I work about 70 hrs a week and get paid nothing. I'm fine with that. If they don't like their work situation, they can always quit.

Bullshit. You don't work anywhere near 70 hours a week.

I was right.
 07/10/2024 01:16 PM
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Bullshit. You don't work anywhere near 70 hours a week.
I realize how this would sound unbelievable to progs, who haven't worked 70 hours in their entire lives, but some of us have a work ethic. Usually work from 9-7:30 at the office on weekdays and another 20 hours on the farm on weekends.

I :heart; Q

Edited: 07/10/2024 at 01:35 PM by tpapablo
 07/10/2024 01:30 PM
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Posting on 2ndLight is billable hours and time on the little hobby farm is work. Hahahahahabah.


 07/10/2024 01:40 PM
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time on the little hobby farm is work.
Let me guess, you're a city slicker and haven't done an honest day's work in your life.

I :heart; Q
FORUMS : National Enquirer (FORMERLY NSR) : Project 2025

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