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Topic Title: 4 herniated discs in my neck and pain. PAIN! Help. update - full 2 level disc replacement 2021
Topic Summary: two surgeries, ultimately having a 2 level artificial disc replacement
Created On: 08/07/2016 06:17 PM
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 04/28/2017 09:49 AM
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It has been just over two-months since my surgery. Physically and pain wise - I feel great. The muscular pain from the surgery and incision itself has completely gone away, and I have no tightness or pain in my neck or shoulder.

The tingling and numbness in my right arm is completely gone. I literally have no pain or any indication that something was wrong - EXCEPT:

I still have only about 20% of the strength in my right tricep, and my right upper arm is noticeably smaller and weak compared to my left.

I understand that regaining the muscle strength after that level of atrophy is a long process. Was hoping to see better progression, but I keep doing the PT and muscle isolation exercises and taking the long view.

I'm back to surfing, even to the point of surfing overhead waves in El Salvador last week. I got worked plenty - my weak lopsided pop-up isn't quite up to those conditions, but I was able to handle taking some big waves on the head.

Once again, I can't speak highly enough of the surgical team of Dr. Razack, and I'm optimistic that I'll get my strength back in time.

thanks again for all your support folks!

 04/28/2017 10:26 AM
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Glad to hear it! Keep up the hard work of PT.

Replace turf grass with native plants that don't need irrigation and synthetic fertilizers or chemicals that can go into our waterways and ocean

 04/28/2017 11:04 AM
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 04/28/2017 05:31 PM
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I went through the exact same thing a couple of years ago. Started as tingling in my right hand, thought it was carpel tunnel at first. It would come and go until one day it was there to stay, unbearable pain in neck and shoulder, searing burning pain. Luckily an epi dural did it for me for now. First one lasted a year until some drunk wrestling one night! It came right back but another shot and Ive been good for a couple of years. I needed a month of PT to get some strength back. Right deltoid is gone and right arm is still smaller and weaker than the left but overall much better nowadays. I'm sure I'll need surgery one day as I had all kinds of degeneration and stenosis c5-c7. Check out liquid Osatarine, it was made to help repair muscle atrophy in older and injured people, It has done wonders for me.

If it’s legal will do it, if it’s not legal, we’ll figure out how to change the law-Joe Biden
 04/30/2017 08:46 AM
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Originally posted by: Lunchmeat

I went through the exact same thing a couple of years ago. Started as tingling in my right hand, thought it was carpel tunnel at first. It would come and go until one day it was there to stay, unbearable pain in neck and shoulder, searing burning pain. Luckily an epi dural did it for me for now. First one lasted a year until some drunk wrestling one night! It came right back but another shot and Ive been good for a couple of years. I needed a month of PT to get some strength back. Right deltoid is gone and right arm is still smaller and weaker than the left but overall much better nowadays. I'm sure I'll need surgery one day as I had all kinds of degeneration and stenosis c5-c7. Check out liquid Osatarine, it was made to help repair muscle atrophy in older and injured people, It has done wonders for me.

thanks! will look into the osaratine!
 11/03/2017 04:01 AM
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Hey folks,

It has been about 9 months since my surgery. I'm progressing well and have gotten good strength gains in my right arm, specifically my tricep, which is the main muscle that atrophied away when I had the pinched nerve from the herniated discs. When I went in for surgery I couldn't do an overhead tricep extension with a water bottle. Now I can get about 5 reps with a 20 pound dumbell, compared to my normal left arm where I can get about 5 reps with a 30 pound dumbell. So I've gotten about 66% strength back in 9 months.

HERC810 on this forum got me started with a great customized physical therapy program, and from there I've progressed to doing light dumb bell workouts with high reps. My surfing is still not great - my unequal arm strength is a problem because I get all lopsided when duck diving waves, and even though I'm getting my strength back, my right arm is just 'slower' than my left, if that makes sense. I just can't do a fast movement with it that requires explosive strength, like popping up or doing a pushup.

I've been traveling to Michigan to work with a great DO (Doctor of Osteopathic) that was a former professional bodybuilder, and he has me on a protocol of various supplements - pregnenalone, Ibutatmoren (MK-677), fish oil, ZMA, and a few other prescription meds. PM me if you're interested in more specifics.

I've also gone on a full ketogenic diet for the last three months and have completely cut sugar, refined carbs, and fruit out of my diet. I try to keep my daily intake about 70% fat 20% protein and 10% carbs. So far I've lost about 10 pounds and am down to 165 from 175.

Once again, I appreciate all of your words of encouragement and guidance, and I hope I can be of some encouragement to some of you that may also be in a similar situation.
 11/03/2017 06:02 AM
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I am at 14 years sinse my c3-6 fusion, the muscles that atrophied because of the delay of surgery by Workmans Comp have never really come back, but the overall results are great! I have been surfing since the 3 month period after surgey and off road M.C. competition until 2010 and offroad riding to date and other than some pain from degeneration above and below the fusion there are no major problems. Stay active and upbeat!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 11/03/2017 09:06 AM
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I'm doing much, much better now, after a couple weeks using my medical cannabis! It's all I take now, well, that and magnesium oil!

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 11/04/2017 07:14 AM
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Stoked to hear other success to stories and what has worked for you!
 11/08/2017 02:41 PM
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go here and buy this. It's the best stuff ever. My wife has arthritis and fibromyalgia. It's the only thing that keeps her moving.

 12/15/2019 01:00 PM
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Been a while since I've been on 2L. But wanted to share that I've made about a 90% recovery. My right arm has about 90% of the strength of my left. No pain or other issues at all. Size wise my right arm looks the same as my left arm, but not quite the same strength. For the most part not noticeable, but my duck-dives are lopsided and janky as a result. That's when I notice it the most. I really have to focus on pushing harder with my right arm. It's been at this strength level for about the last year. I workout regularly so I'm accepting that this is what the docs call "maximum medical recovery". Which I'm very pleased with.
 12/15/2019 06:31 PM
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Glad you took the steps you needed to heal . The longer you wait once you start losing strength , the worse the prognosis . Good luck and stick with yoga for core and flexibility
 02/13/2020 05:01 PM
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Originally posted by: nsbkook
Had surgery today so thought I would give a update

What a coincidence -- exactly 3 years ago today! Hope all is well.

My wife seems to be dealing with the exact same thing in the exact same locations. Her neuro wants to do the "ACDF" procedure -- Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion (one-level), and offered her a fast pass to get in, which very unfortunately, reduces the window of opportunity to seek out second and third opinions like you did.

I'm hoping to get her in with Dr. Razack or Mayo Clinic for a much more conservative, less invasive alternative like you found.

Best wishes to ya!
 02/14/2020 03:36 AM
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As my late wife found out after many years of surgeries, , , , when you get to the point where you can't stop crying and the pain is so bad that you can't tell if you're peeing yourself, , , , then It Is Time to get the recomended surgery!

But still, you will never again run the high hurdles!

Dora Hates You
 03/02/2024 09:30 AM
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Six years later. Thought I would post another update. I ended up having a two level total artificial disc replacement in my neck by Dr. Masson in Orlando two years ago. So I basically have two skateboard gromments in my neck. you can see them here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/GJehZqvviYnjhhg16

The surgery went well - it was outpatient and I didn't even need a neck brace after the surgery. I don't have full mobility in my neck - but I'm definitely better off than I was before. I'm not surfing heavy waves anymore, because I need to protect my neck. But overall I'm happy with the outcome.

FORUMS : Surfing : 4 herniated discs in my neck and pain. PAIN! Help....

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