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Topic Title: Brent Weldon, Seal Beach
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Created On: 01/12/2023 09:19 AM
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 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - ww - 01/12/2023 09:19 AM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - Central Floridave - 01/12/2023 10:08 AM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - ww - 01/12/2023 01:39 PM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - ww - 01/13/2023 07:20 AM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - Cole - 01/13/2023 09:35 AM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - long_flaco1 - 01/13/2023 11:43 AM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - JOESTRUMMER - 01/13/2023 12:38 PM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - ww - 01/14/2023 02:10 PM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - ww - 01/15/2023 11:35 AM  
 Brent Weldon, Seal Beach   - ww - 01/16/2023 09:18 AM  
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 01/12/2023 09:19 AM
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Joined Forum: 08/17/2007

    Meanwhile, a California expert writing for the Washington Post points out that California had far worse flooding in 1861, and that changes in California river and water management might help reduce damage. One is to move levees farther back from rivers to give them more space at high water, and also to encourage infiltration into groundwater. Anyway, here's Brent. Is it me, or have hooded wetsuits become more popular in southern California?
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