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Topic Title: why gas stoves are overrated
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Created On: 01/12/2023 01:52 PM
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 why gas stoves are overrated   - WG - 01/12/2023 01:52 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - dingpatch - 01/13/2023 04:35 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - LIV2SURFDT - 01/13/2023 06:44 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - scombrid - 01/13/2023 07:39 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/14/2023 05:10 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - crankit - 01/14/2023 05:26 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - pompano - 01/14/2023 10:08 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - tom - 01/14/2023 02:06 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - Bamboo - 01/16/2023 05:28 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/16/2023 04:51 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - scombrid - 01/13/2023 07:47 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - WG - 01/13/2023 09:42 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - ww - 01/13/2023 02:38 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - nukeh2o - 01/13/2023 03:43 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/13/2023 04:43 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - dingpatch - 01/14/2023 04:15 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/14/2023 05:09 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - fishkller - 01/16/2023 03:50 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/16/2023 04:49 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - Cole - 01/17/2023 06:16 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/17/2023 08:16 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - WG - 01/17/2023 05:08 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/18/2023 12:46 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - LBLarry - 01/31/2023 07:26 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/31/2023 11:06 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - tom - 02/01/2023 02:41 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - RustyTruck - 01/17/2023 08:39 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - WG - 01/18/2023 02:38 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - Sniper - 01/21/2023 06:41 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - pompano - 01/21/2023 06:52 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - fishkller - 01/21/2023 11:31 AM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/21/2023 02:27 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - WG - 01/30/2023 03:54 PM  
 why gas stoves are overrated   - StirfryMcflurry - 01/30/2023 04:57 PM  
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 01/12/2023 01:52 PM
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Posts: 37257
Joined Forum: 03/10/2005

As the natural gas industry tries to defend its turf, chefs are touting the benefits of induction cooking.

The American stovetop is increasingly a battleground in a war over the fate of the 70 million buildings powered by natural gas.

On one side of the stove wars is the natural gas utility industry, which has tried to thwart cities considering phasing out gas in buildings. One of its PR strategies has been to hire influencers to tout what they love about cooking with gas to generate public opposition to city efforts.

On the other side are climate and public health advocates who point to years of mounting scientific evidence on what combusting methane in a kitchen does to one's health. Even the relatively small amount of gas burned by the stove has an outsized effect on indoor health because it releases nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide, two pollutants known to increase risks of respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Dozens of cities in California have passed stronger building codes that encourage new construction to be powered by electricity instead of natural gas pipelines. New York City and Eugene, Oregon, may be the next cities to adopt these ordinances.

As more cities move to electricity, what will replace gas stoves? Instead of the electric coiled stoves Americans have learned to hate, there is a newer technology that many chefs prefer: induction.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill

Edited: 01/13/2023 at 03:33 PM by WG
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